Teaching Experience

The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery

This quote by a well-known American poet, writer, and critic, Mark Van Doren perfectly summarizes an instructor's role .

As a teaching assistant, I believe that an instructor 's attitude and approach if right, can spark motivation and curiosity to learn for any subject for if it is not correct, it can make the learning process very boring.

Standalone Instructor

Fall 2024 — Math 2070: Matrices and Linear Algebra.

Recitation Instructor and Conducted Weekly Office Hour Sessions

Fall 2022 — Math 1430: Preparation for Calculus.

Fall 2022 — Math 1450: Applied Trigonometry.

Spring 2022 — Math 1650: Calculus I.

Fall 2021 — Math 1500: Discrete Math for Business and Social Sciences.

Spring 2021 — Math 1650: Calculus I.

Graduate Grader and Conducted Qualifier Sessions

Spring 2023 — Math 5200: Methods of Applied Mathematics II.

Fall 2023 — Math 5190: Methods of Applied Mathematics I.


Math 150: Discrete Math for Business and Social Sciences.

Research Assistant

Spring 2021: Research assistant under the mentorship of Dr. Rana Parshad.